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  • Writer's pictureDylan Neumeyer

Entry #4 Mason the Capstone

This year I am really excited to finally be done with college applications and to start wrapping up my schooling. I also can't wait to put on "The Drowsy Chaperone" in Barnum Hall. This semester is also my last chance to spend time with my friends and enjoy being a dependent of my parents. I am going to try to make my final semester of public school the most fulfilling and efficient I've ever had.

Currently, in my capstone group, we are having the most trouble finding helpful data on the issue that we are trying to solve. However, I believe that the greatest challenges that my group will face will relate to our use of dangerous gasses. We will have to test methane and carbon monoxide leaks in order to perfect our device and I think that it will require us to slow down more than we would like to.

Most products are made for profit, but some creations are motivated by the greater good. To build something in order to make money involves getting investors, developing the device as cheaply as possible, and manufacturing it as efficiently as possible. If a product is not made for profit, it still needs funding. This funding can come from charity, other profit yielding products, or government funding. Both processes involved cutting costs but for a not-for-profit product, there is a hard limit on money, and for a for-profit product, there is normally more money to spare. For example: The iPod was created to make a profit and thus was funded by apple profit and funds from investors. Much of the funds went into advertisements in order to attract the public. The product was incredibly popular so they made another updated version to make even more money. On the contrary, the mars rover was produced by JPL with government funding and was built entirely for the purposes of scientific discovery that benefits all humans. No one stands to gain billions of dollars, the reward is greater knowledge regarding

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